Understand Your Own Magic Words

Future of New Domain Names in Voice Recognition and AI.

Since 2014, hundreds of new domain extensions (new domain names, or new gTLDs) were introduced into internet space. Now we can register domain names in extensions like .life, .world, .live, .online, .store, .xyz, or .photo.

New domain names have one very interesting property, which, in my opinion, will be of great relevance once Voice Recognition and AI will dominate how we search the internet.

They can be used seamlessly as an integral part of a sentenceAnd in many platforms, they are also creating automatic hyperlinks.

At the moment, we still, in most cases, type our search queries in search fields: that can change in the next few years.

To demonstrate the topic, I wrote a small treatise to show you how new gTLDs can be used in plain written English text (it’s a bit funny and clumsy, as I had to use only domains that belong to my own domain portfolio, which is an obvious limitation, of course). One good example is sometimes better than a long theoretical explanation, so here we go:

It’s not early.news anymore that we now live in a blessed.world, in a beautiful.company of new domain names (alternatively called also new gTLDs). You can easily buy them at theonline.store. This is the start of the new internet era when we are enjoying.life full of unlimited domain and branding possibilities. Rich virtual.fund of new domain names brings us many options for our new online ventures.

You do not need to have large wisdom.one these days to understand that new gTLD domain names are very quickly improving.world of internet. Only a few remaining skeptics say that so many options lead us to a zombie.zone, while most people now believe they enable a very pleasant.world of choice for a rapidly growing no. of internet users. New domain names are not some sort of alien.life for most internet users anymore and it the highest.faith of many that, because of their semantic qualities which enable them to be used effortlessly in real sentences, they will enjoy almost immortal.life (at least until relevancy of domain names as such is gone).

New domain names are simply the shortest possible strings of semantic meaning. You can now own such strings and use them as easily memorable short.codes to your online presence. Your clients and customers can simply say those magic words (or make that magic.click) and instant.website will open for them. No need to be in a stars.team to understand the full range of advantages this brings to your online business or presence.

Let’s say for example you do online realty rentals, renting that dream.property to your clients. You can now get your magic words for what you do: an exact match domain name realty.rentals! How amazing is that!? Are you designing and selling various printed media? Your magic words, printed.media are available in form of the domain name as well! Or are you a wealth expert, advising your clients with financial matters? They can now just say wealth.expert, and your website presence will open for them immediately. Or are you a work coach, helping people to advance in their work? Just say or type work.coach, and get found on the internet immediately! So there are basically short and very easy to remember English language strings, now in form of domain names, which, when uttered or typed, bring your visitors to your website.

Indeed, magic words.

In past, we always had to have some suffix after those magic words (.com, .net, .info, .biz, .co.uk. .de, .biz, .fr, .us, etc), which limited many websites from a geographic point of view, at least, and in most cases, such suffix was not part of the pure semantic phrase at all. But those suffixes are not mandatory anymore…we live in a true paradise.world of choice right now.

To conclude:

Business owners:

it is always nice to be on the 1st.place when it comes to the internet! Do not lead unhappy.life of ignoring the change, and opt instead for a prosperous.life by taking maximum advantage of new domain possibilities, while you still can. Such life will be simply.vip, and chances are your decision will result in faster.sale of your products as well!

Domain investors:

as you well know it is important to distinguish fake.gold from eternal.gold, when it comes to domain investing. Make your mind whether internet users will necessarily need non-productive suffixes in the future, or whether such a need is only an artificial.one, dictated by the historical development of the domain names. Invest accordingly.

Marketing experts:

great marketing campaigns can be compared to great artistic.works, so make them truly special and memorable. And bringing.love to others is also what is expected today by most of your customers. Show them that you care, particularly if you want to make your online presence a huge.one!

With altruistic.love,

Marek from Brands.International

And what about your own Magic Words? Words that are relevant to your business or interests? Have you identified them yet? Will people be able to type them, tell them, or whisper them, so they can get in touch with you? Or do you rather plan to pay for ads in search engines forever?

In a world of intense online competition, those simple and pure words (in form of domain names) can become your very unique advantage.

Everything and everyone is rapidly moving online. And the words are the only keys to online navigation. We search by saying or typing words.

Remember that.

The above-written article is a personal opinion of Marek Eckhaus, a private new gTLD domain investor, and Founder and CEO of Brands.International. Although a large effort is made to keep articles up-to-date, it might contain inaccuracies as the internet is developing fastly.

Invest in domain names which bring great ROI.

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